
The sibling relationship is one of the most influential and often longest lasting relationships in one’s life. Although traditional research focused on the parent-child relationship, new research has shown that the sibling relationship can be just as important and can become a protective factor throughout one’s life. Assessing, understanding, and providing recommendations related to the sibling relationship is an area that I specialize in; this includes siblings of any age, as the sibling relationship continues to provide protective factors, even in later life.

assessment in Virginia Beach

A sibling relationship consultation includes:

  • Initial assessment (session with parents only, if the siblings are still minors)
  • Assessment with siblings
  • Feedback and recommendations session

Further check-in sessions or sibling therapy sessions can then be scheduled on a regular basis or as needed.

Each initial assessment and/or feedback session: $200.00
Subsequent check-ins or sibling therapy sessions: $150.00

Insurance is not accepted for sibling assessments and sessions.

To schedule an appointment or for further questions, click here.